What sets Esalen apart as a unique style is it reflects an attitude that good therapeutic bodywork is more then just physical manipulation. It is about touching, caring, energy awareness and emotional, spiritual healing as well. ??The Esalen Institute opened in the 1960’s on the California Coast. To tie the parts of the body together, coverings are removed and long flowing “connecting” strokes are applied. These methods are among its hallmarks. Esalen sessions can have a very “watery” feel and with water being the element of the Second Chakra (our sexual energy center) they tend to be sensual and pleasurable.
An important belief of Esalen is that touching is a basic need, as essential as air, food or water: that caring about others is natural; that getting in touch with one’s own body leads to a more effective way of loving and relating to others.?? Often we are often hung-up over massage and touching. Touch has been shown to be a very basic human need. Skin hunger is as real as stomach hunger, yet it is so restricted by our society and is tended to be equated solely with sex. Americans have lost the ability to nurture through touch. Most of us were taught to express such intimacy only in sexual relationships. Intimacy doesn’t necessarily include sex, any more than sex necessarily involves intimacy.
I believe that my approach can help you restore the balance from within and feed the side of you craving connection by providing a safe environment to experience touch and sensuality.