If you don’t have time to hit the yoga mat every day there are so many ways we can incorporate the practice and lifestyle in our everyday activities. Here are 7 ways to do that, that happen to be in line with the seven sutras according to Patanjali.
1. Practice deep breathing when you’re waiting for something, for an appointment, at a red light, on the bus, the train or tube. Put one hand on your stomach and one on your chest, close your eyes and breathe deep and long in through your nose and out through your mouth. there are ways to meditate during your day, even if just for a minute.
2. Surrender to the moment: turn off your phone, computer, or television and be here now.. unplug from the cyber world, spend time with real people, out in nature or reconnect back with yourself. just do what you enjoy fully, for you, without having to tweet or instagram it!
3. do childs pose when you get up in the morning, feel stressed and when you to bed. it will calm anxiety and regulate your nervous system. after sitting for a long time, sit with your legs up the wall to relieves head and back aches, and help ready the mind and body for sleep.
counter-balance the daily actions, that involve closing our chests and shoulders, rounding our back and shortening our hip flexors, like driving, spending time on a computer, writing, or driving with a chest and shoulder opener or a backbend daily. open your hips with some deep squats, pigeon pose or rockstar pose.
4. practice love, compassion and gratitude and let them be a part of your every day. when something doesn’t go in the way you’d like it to, consider the things you have to be grateful for. when someone bothers you, no matter how hard it is, meet their action with kindness, compassion and consideration.
5. repeat your mantras and affirmations in the bath/shower.
6. eat for health, not for weight loss or glutton. nourishing our bodies which are our souls vehicle with healthy, nutritious fuel is essential for our wellness and vitality. making sure we take care of ourselves from the inside out ensures we can be the best, versions of ourselves.
7. be mindful of your self talk and communication with others. think positive thoughts of yourself, and of others. confront the real issues you have concerning yourself and avoid deflecting that to others and likewise, when you feel attacked by another consider why that might be for them. we are all doing the best we know.