Holistic Healing Bodywork combines Eastern and Western philosophies of health and balance and takes into consideration the emotional and spiritual “bodies” that we all carry around with us in addition to the physical body. We feel the effects of these more subtle energetic bodies manifesting in our physical bodies, in our relationships, our sexuality, our moods, and in our ability to engage effectively with the world.
In a Holistic Healing Bodywork Session we address not just your whole body but your whole being, paying close attention to all the factors that contribute to your state of balance and sense of wellness throughout the day, treating your subtle body with the same care and attention that your physical body receives during a Standard Bodywork Session.
Passionate energies within your system will be awakened and blocks removed, creating feelings of deep bliss and openness and fostering greater connectivity in your relationship with yourself, with those close to you, and with the world around you.
Benefits of a holistic approach to healing include an overall decrease in stress and tension, profound relief from muscular aches and pains, a loosening of stiff joints and support for greater mobility, fortification of the immune system resulting in greater resistance to infections, the stimulation of circulation and the improved removal of waste products via the lymphatic system, noticeably nourished and supple skin, and a more smoothly functioning digestive system, all of which promote joie de vivre (“feel good factor “) and psychological health.