Stop talking about it, stop blaming others for the change you want so badly, stop playing the victim role, stop trying to change people when they can only change when they are ready, stop feeling sorry for yourself for you are so blessed and get out there and be what you want to see changed in the world. Figure your shit out first, understand that you yourself are a whole being, not a system of parts, and over time, on an unconscious level you will begin to see the world as a whole as well. Only then can you serve others and be truly compassionate because you yourself have been there.
If you want to change people, set an example. Don’t talk about it, be it. Just be it. Be truthful. Try to match what’s happening inside to what you represent on the outside. Be strict with yourself, but patient and kind with others. Work had without expecting in return. The Universe with returning it to you if you just keep plugging along. HAVE FAITH! Believe in what you cannot see, hear, feel, touch or smell. Be empty for when you are full and with your own ego and agenda, how on Earth are ever going to see the teacher when it is the right in front of you.
Become the change you want to see in the world. ~Gandi
Retreat to the Himalayas, wear mala beads and a orange robe, and preach about the teaching until you are blue in the face, but it is only when you start being real, down-to-earth, and present and not attached to the material will start to move upwards on the spiritual plane. PATIENCE! Rome was not built in a day, neither will you be. But keep creating the best you can one day at a time.
Take care of your body, your vehicle for the soul, and watch how your mind begins to quiet down, and how you start to feel supple and strong in both in mind and body. Singe, dance, create, write, love, laugh and celebrate this life right here right now. Keep dwelling in a dead past and fantasizing about an unborn future and you will continually be disappointed and let down. BE PRESENT. Hear what your friend is saying to you, notice the beauty that surrounds you, and love in your capacity.
Renee’s sessions are fun, hardcore, spiritual, therapeutic, inspiring, worldly, and infused with a realness. Come to listen to some great music from around the world, hear teaching from the great spiritual text as she weaves her own experiences seamlessly into them. (experiences not so different from your own). and get your buttons pushed and get out of your comfort zone, with a challenging practice. Realize your fullest potential.
Live a life in peace even when the world is difficult and often chaotic. It is a radical thing to want to awaken.